Thursday, September 5, 2013

Isn't it Ironic

Hmm. I wonder what kind of diversity. Lifted from this website

When I was a girl, I was called to regular school assemblies, and sat in classes where the only thing discussed was tolerance; namely tolerance of gays and people of color. No one should be bullied or beaten-up just because they have a different skin tone or prefer to (                        ) someone of the same sex. (Hurray for tolerance! Rah! Rah! Diversity!)

We were told ugly stories and shown violent clips of evil straight or white people (actually it was always white men, presumably heterosexual) oppressing and doing bad things to minorities. (Bad, intolerant, straight, white man! Bad! No treat!)

The importance of being polite and civilized with people that are different was made abundantly clear; and if I didn't have anything constructive to say or do for a protected class, then leave them alone.

To this day, when I see the Rainbow Flag outside a business or at a rally or parade, I simply say nothing and keep moving. It's what I call tolerance. I don't condone the lifestyle, and I don't persecute them for it. That's what I was brought to believe they wanted.

Unfortunately, I may have misunderstood. I've been reading about businesses that refuse to cater gay and lesbian weddings being forced out of business and the owners harassed and threatened for there beliefs (see this article and more like it).

Is this the kind of "tolerance" they were campaigning for? Tolerance only for those of their own world view? Slavery, open hatred, and death for the rest? I understand taking one's business elsewhere, and even the occasional peaceful boycott; but harassment, threats and fear are not the American way of doing things.

Disagreement is an American value. I have always loved that I can politely disagree and debate with those of other world views. Through the processes of civilized argument I have learned how other people think and see the world. Having my views challenged has made me think seriously about what I believe and how it fits into the larger picture, or whether I am wrong and need to discard those beliefs.

I find it terribly ironic that the very kinds of people (intolerant, violent and bullying people) the LGBTQ community fought so hard against seems to be what they are becoming.

1 comment:

  1. I vote for peace, and tolerance for people like me who embrace traditional family values.
