Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Lonely Lighthouse in the Storm

I am responsible. God gave me outstanding blessings for which HE made me responsible. HE gave me a mind so that I may think for myself. HE gave me a heart so I may feel HIS love and give love to those around me. HE gave me health and a strong womanly body so that I may have joy and bring children into this world. HE gave me my husband for me to have support, strength, love, and friendship. HE gave me children to cherish and raise to glorify HIM. How can I possibly turn away from these blessings?

I'm living in a world that confuses me. Schools, instead of nurturing young minds, are destroying them with misinformation and politically correct curricula. Hearts and feelings are being crushed by the harsh and false doctrines of the feminist movement. People are destroying their health and strength with drugs, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyles (I'm not perfect either, but at I'm trying to maintain my health). Husbands and wives are being abandoned, or marriage avoided, or redefined into obsolescence. And children... this is the worst tragedy of all, children are being murdered both in and out of the womb.

How has our nation fallen into such sin? How can we recover? Tawas Point Lighthouse *
Sometimes I feel like a lonely lighthouse at the edge of a raging sea. I feel the winds and waves crashing against me, and I feel horror for those ships caught in the storm. I can't save them, all I can do is hold my light high and hope they see it to get their bearings.

It's like the scripture says, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
(New Testament | Matthew 5:16)

HE has given me mighty blessings, and those blessings are my light. I am not mighty to save. Only the LORD fits that description; but I can stand and hold up my light. Perhaps that is what is needed in the world right now. More people who have been richly blessed to hold up their lights and illuminate our world.

*a note about this lighthouse: Tawas Point Lighthouse on Lake Huron. Lake Huron is a small sea and like all the Great Lakes, rather prone winter storms and high winds. This lighthouse warns against a shoal. The nearby water (not pictured) is only a few inches deep for several hundred yards out. It's a place ships must avoid at all times and in all weather. This lighthouse is still in use today, although automated, of course.

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